One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville



Are you ready to take the next step in your career and help lead your organization to success? 一个完全在线的运营工商管理硕士 由Cedarville公司的罗伯特. 石膏商学院, will equip you with the skills you need to advance to the next level.

作为 工商管理硕士 程序, your operations management coursework will prepare you to enter or advance in this vital field. 你将学会设计, 计划, 控制, and improve business processes and systems — essential for engineers and operational managers responsible for creating products and services. 整个硕士课程, you'll grow in leadership and practical skills, 建立有意义的职业关系, 并学会在你的事业中荣耀神.

和我们所有的人一样 工商管理硕士项目, you'll study business through a biblical lens that emphasizes:

  • 卓越 in personal standards and discernment
  • 通过服侍他人来影响王国
  • 管理上帝赐予的才能
  • 用仆人的心领导

If you're looking to expand your operations management knowledge with added flexibility, 查看我们的在线, 12小时 运营管理研究生证书, open to anyone with a bachelor's or master's degree.

得到答案 常见问题 未来的研究生 学生在考虑攻读工商管理硕士课程时的问题.

请求的信息 安排预约


  • 圣经的世界观

    All courses are built on the solid foundation of Scripture.
  • 在线和加速

    All courses are offered in an online format, 1- and 2-year completion options.
  • 负担得起的

    Cedarville’s 工商管理硕士 is competitively priced with available financial aid.


运营管理工商管理硕士 Program Highlights

圣经 — 圣经 worldview and practical application in each course.

卓越 — The 工商管理硕士 in operations management concentration prepares you for operational excellence with courses in quality and project management.

有关 — You’ll study lean processes and supply chain effectiveness, hot topics in businesses today.

灵活的 — Seven-week terms provide flexibility for working professionals, and part-time and full-time options are available.

适应性强的 — Interactive course websites optimized for multiple devices including computers, 平板电脑, 和智能手机.

负担得起的 ——可负担得起的 学费 以及可用的经济援助.

支持 — A dedicated 程序 adviser ensures support while you pursue your degree and maintain other commitments, and a cohort-based approach builds community and network for Christian business professionals.

认证 — Cedarville's Christian 工商管理硕士 is accredited by the 商学院认证委员会 & 项目 (ACBSP).



Learn how Cedarville's online 工商管理硕士运营管理 程序 will equip you to fill in-demand leadership and management roles in business operations.



得到答案 the most common questions 未来的研究生 students ask when considering an 工商管理硕士 程序.

What Can You Do With an 运营管理工商管理硕士 Degree?

With an 工商管理硕士 in operations management, you can advance your career in the following fields:

  • 咨询
  • 分布
  • 工程
  • 医疗保健
  • 制造业
  • 公共部门
  • 零售
  • 运输


作为运营管理工商管理硕士课程的一部分, courses are designed for the online environment but include hands-on case studies, 学生选择的项目, 模拟游戏, 个人发展.


我们来听听锡达维尔的校长. 托马斯•白, discusses how our graduate 程序s can help you steward your God-given talents for His glory.


入学要求 — The first step in your graduate school journey at Cedarville is to apply for admission.


费用和财政援助 -追求品质的决定, Christian graduate education represents a valuable investment in your career and professional development. 确保你的学位也是负担得起的, Cedarville graduate 程序s are competitively priced and can be supplemented with a variety of financial aid.


课程开始日期 — Applications are accepted throughout the year, 你可以在8月份注册并开始上课, 10月, 1月, 3月, 五月, 或7月.


以你的本科学位为基础, you will take core 工商管理硕士 courses and three core operations management courses to complete the concentration. 还有一门3学分的圣经课程, which is waived if you completed a Bible minor as part of your 本科工作.

You'll build a strong business foundation through core coursework that applies in any organizational setting:

  • 企业高管会计
  • 圣经 and Theological Foundations for 研究生 Study (may be waived with undergraduate Bible minor or approved alternative)
  • 总结性课程
  • 行政财务管理
  • Information Technology for Competitive Advantage
  • 法律/伦理课程管理经济学
  • 组织的管理和领导
  • 量化过程
  • 战略营销策划

You’ll take four operations management courses, focusing on processes, systems, and resources.

  • 精益流程管理
  • 运筹学
  • 项目管理
  • 供应链管理

You can add an 工商管理硕士 to many of Cedarville's popular majors by following one of our accelerated 本科's-to-master的途径.


Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate 程序s, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related 程序s as you consider the degree or 程序 that is a best fit for you.







罗伯特·W·迪恩. 石膏商学院; Professor of Economics




副院长罗伯特. 石膏商学院; Professor of Information Technology 管理




研究生 Enrollment Advisor for Business and Innovation
